Creator of SOCE PREP

Travis Britt is a man with a diverse range of experiences and passions. Beginning his career in the USMC as an Infantry Marine with the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Teams, Travis served as a squad leader and honed his skills in leadership and tactical operations. After his time in the USMC, Travis became a cop in the city of Atlanta, where he served on elite units such as the field investigative plainclothes crime suppression teams, gang unit, and the notorious street level narcotics unit formerly known as REDDOG.

After a decade of working in law enforcement, Travis decided to shift gears and pursue another dream of teaching school and coaching wrestling. He hoped to make a positive impact on kids and keep them out of trouble. However, Travis missed police work and began to consider becoming a reserve deputy in Florida. At the time, he was teaching the Basic Recruit academy in a local high school, and this is where he had a realization. He was amazed that the State Officer Certification Exam (SOCE) had very little in the way of study guides or prep plans. As a teacher, Travis had taken many state exams and had prepared thousands of students for state exams. The culmination of his experiences and training led him to create SOCE PREP, which helps individuals prepare for the SOCE.

Travis is not just a man of action but a man of hobbies and passions. He loves to fish, roll jiu jitsu, and spend time near the water with his family. Travis's diverse background, his passion for teaching, and his love for law enforcement led him to create SOCE PREP, which is committed to helping individuals prepare for the SOCE and succeed in their law enforcement careers.




If you're preparing for the Statewide Officers Certification Exam (SOCE), SOCEPREP is the ultimate resource you need to ensure success. Created by Travis Britt, a former cop and state certified teacher, SOCEPREP was born out of necessity. Travis found the task of studying for a 200 question test and digesting two difficult-to-read books to be arduous and challenging.


Thus, he decided to create a better solution. By infusing his real-world experiences as a cop and a teacher, he designed the best product to prepare for the SOCE that you could imagine. SOCEPREP provides a comprehensive study guide, practice questions, and video lectures that are specifically designed to help you pass the exam with flying colors. With SOCEPREP, you can feel confident and prepared to tackle the SOCE and start your law enforcement career.


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