Use these strategies to pass the FDLE SOCE on the first attempt!

soce Jul 06, 2023


The FDLE Statewide Officer Certification Exam (SOCE) is a challenging test that requires a focused and disciplined approach to pass. With a required passing score of 80%, and only three hours to complete 200 questions, this is one of the more difficult state exams and it is important to have a strategy in place to maximize your chances of success.

One thing to keep in mind is that the FDLE SOCE will have 10 field test questions that are not scored. You won't know which questions are field test questions, so it's important to take the entire test seriously and approach each question with a one-at-a-time mindset. Don't get bogged down on any one question, but keep moving forward to maximize your chances of answering as many questions as possible. 80% of 190 scored questions is 152 correct answers! We don't need to be perfect, but we have to be serious! 

The math of 200 questions in three hours works out to an average of 54 seconds per question. It's important to manage your time effectively and not get stuck on any one question. SOCE Prep offers proven strategies to help manage time effectively, including using process of elimination to eliminate wrong answer choices and increase your odds of getting the right answer. 54 seconds sounds like a crunch, but I find many of my students never use the allotted time as they should! Pace is important!!!!

The entire test is multiple-choice, which means each question will have three wrong answer choices and one right answer choice. Your job is to eliminate as many wrong answer choices as possible to increase your odds of choosing the right answer. For every answer choice eliminated, your odds of getting the question right just went up by 25%. This isn't cheating; it's simply using math to your advantage.

It's also important to take advantage of any study materials available to you, such as textbooks, online resources, and practice tests. Practice tests can help you identify areas where you need to focus your studying and get a feel for the types of questions you can expect on the exam. We offer everything you would ever need with 20 hours of direct instruction and a full comprehensive exam, just like the one you will face at if you are still struggling with what resources fit your plan. 

Maximizing Test Success: Managing Anxiety and Mastering Effective Strategies

Standardized tests can be a source of anxiety for many individuals. However, by employing effective strategies, managing anxiety, and implementing key techniques, you can improve your performance and maximize your test success. In the remainder of this blog post, we will explore the importance of managing anxiety, utilizing sleep for memory enhancement, maintaining a balanced diet, using time wisely, and implementing reading comprehension skills. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of context clues and how they can aid in answering multiple-choice questions.

  1. Managing Anxiety: Thinking about more than ONE Question at a time can hinder test performance, causing distractions and reducing focus. To counteract this, it is crucial to approach the test one question at a time. Once you have selected your answer, let go of that question and shift your attention to the next one. This approach helps prevent lingering doubts and maintains a steady flow throughout the exam. Remember one question doesn't matter in the totality of this test, you can make mistakes and still pass! If we get stumped, use your test taking strategies and let it go. Do not carry it into the next question! Every question gets the attention it deserves, until we make our decision and at that point we are done with it!  

  2. The Power of Sleep and Memory Enhancement Research shows that sleep plays a vital role in memory consolidation. A study conducted by Walker et al. (2009) found that individuals who obtained sufficient sleep after learning had improved memory recall compared to those who were sleep-deprived. Prioritizing quality sleep before the test and during your prep can enhance your memory retention and overall cognitive function. Cramming is a poor strategy and science has proven that sleep and strategy will always outperform burning the candle at both ends! 

  3. Balanced Meals and Hydration: Fueling Success Maintaining a balanced diet and staying properly hydrated are crucial for optimal brain function. During test preparation, avoid excessive caffeine and fluids that may lead to frequent bathroom breaks, eating into valuable test-taking time. Plan meals that provide sustained energy and include essential nutrients to support cognitive performance. Complex carbohydrates like oatmeal are a great choice as they provide sustained energy. Avoid excessive caffeine and being over hydrated before the test. You can take bathroom breaks during the test, but this is wasted time you could be using on reading comprehension. 

  4. Utilize the  Allotted Time Effectively Many test-takers complete exams well within the allocated time, leaving room for careless mistakes and missed opportunities for comprehension. Take advantage of the full time given and utilize every minute to review, double-check, and ensure accuracy. Implementing time management strategies can significantly enhance your overall performance. Many of my students rush the test and finish with an hour remaining. This is a poor strategy and often leads to carless mistakes. As an instructor this is very frustrating because they have the knowledge, but they didn't pace properly and made careless mistakes usually on reading comprehension and this leaves them searching for the wrong answer. Reading is not a race to finish, the objective is comprehension not completion!

  5. Reading Comprehension: The Key to Success Most standardized tests heavily emphasize reading comprehension. To excel in this area, incorporate regular practice of reading dry and challenging material. By practicing reading comprehension questions daily, you develop the patience and focus needed to fully understand the author's intentions and accurately answer related questions.

  6. Unleashing the Power of Context Clues Context clues play a crucial role in deciphering the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in multiple-choice questions. By focusing on what you already know and using it to comprehend unknown elements, you can make better educated guesses and manage anxiety. Practice identifying context clues in various texts to sharpen your skills focus on what you DO KNOW to help you get an idea of what YOU DON'T KNOW!


  7. With effective strategies, time management, proper sleep, a balanced diet, and honed reading comprehension skills, you can tackle standardized tests with confidence and maximize your performance. Remember, managing anxiety is essential, and by implementing these techniques, you'll be well-prepared to achieve your desired results.

    Still feeling overwhelmed? We understand. At, we are here to help you succeed in your law enforcement career. We offer comprehensive study plans and resources designed specifically for the Statewide Officer Certification Exam (SOCE). However, we believe that everyone should have access to effective study materials, which is why we also provide several free resources.

    Take advantage of our 17 pages of guided notes, available for free on our website (Click on the image to the right for a direct link). These notes are a great starting point to kickstart your study plan. We are dedicated to assisting you in your journey towards success, and we believe that having a solid plan is a crucial first step.

    Remember, passing the SOCE and excelling in your law enforcement career requires careful preparation and focused effort. Whether you choose to utilize our study plans or not, make sure you have a plan in place. The road to success may be challenging, but with determination and the right resources, you can attain your goals.

    Visit today to access our free resources and explore our comprehensive study plans. We are here to support you every step of the way. Don't let the exam overwhelm you - take charge of your future and start preparing for your law enforcement career today! Check out the youtube channel for weekly updates on related FDLE SOCE topics like this one. Here is a video that outlines a lot of what you just read!

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