with CONFIDENCEĀ and without spending thousands of hours reading dry materialĀ
What Students are Saying...
I Passed!Ā
I passed the State Exam. Iā€™m very grateful for the well-prepared program that you created.
Javier R
I Got a 92!
I just wanted to reach out and say thank you. I took the test today and got a 92. Your course was a life saver and I canā€™t recommend it enough.
James T.
Thank You!
Travis,Ā I passed my exam - thanks to your website! Thank you for everything
Mark W

What makes us different?
I have created - for the first time - a one stop shop for SOCE PREP.
My program is an easy to follow, step by step course that walks the user through the 20 modules in the crummy books.
The course includes:
- direct instruction with eye catching visual aids
- guided notes to keep you on task and paying attention
- checks to make sure you understood the concepts of the modules
- and unlimited practice exams
SOCE Prep is for you if...
- You are overwhelmed by reading books written in the 70s
- You like the structure of having a plan
- You like easy to follow programmed instruction
- You prefer to be taught by someone who's been where you are
- You would rather watch videos than read
- You are tired of sources with little to no feedback about your progression
SOCE Prep is NOT for you if...
- You can't invest time in your success
- You value cheapest over best
- You don't mind anxiety
- The idea of failing doesn't turn your stomach
- You'd rather fabricate a wheel than buy one
- Your time is not valuable
- You're just not serious yet
If you purchase this course, actually consume the material and fail the SOCE we will give you your money back.
If I see that you have gone through all the videos, and exam practice tests and you are still unable to pass, I will refund your money.
I'm able to offer this because I know you'll pass.